PreV1 Leaderboard: Winterland - VR

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Rank Name Res
#1 Chase 62
#2 God Emperor Trash 63
#2 ᚨᚾᛋᚢᛉ 63
#4 I'm a Stratman 64
#4 󠀁 64
#4 kwasoid 64
#7 Eladdon 65
#7 tomato168s 65
#9 Fluff20 66
#10 RateGyro 67
#11 NeroSlash Qc/Fr 68
#11 Sylmor 68
#13 x097ac 69
#13 jacoaj 69
#15 BiggDogg 71
Rank Name Res
#15 MADKO 71
#15 Maximum 71
#15 Nick50109 71
#15 AkimboJimbo 71
#20 Bxy73 72
#20 MFatti 72
#20 TioDanielVR 72
#20 [RED] WH1T3 L10N 72
#20 StinkyPinky 72
#20 Blind 72
#20 Maitake Shiba 72
#27 RyanKristo 73
#27 Richywayne 73
#27 Chiken 73
#27 Bocephus 73
Rank Name Res
#27 John Done 777 73
#27 molskin 73
#33 Fexe 74
#33 Zyphloyd 74
#33 Oz 74
#33 davefishing 74
#33 Papa Squat 74
#33 benjirosendahl61 74
#39 Ilyearer ( °□.. 75
#39 True Caliber 75
#39 brooky325 75
#39 GolfIt 75
#43 TompziS 76
#43 Merric 76
#43 Dimo 76
More results: #43: neirow:76, Andy:76, Kaidalwaves:76, Lubidium:76, #50: Bluemist:77, Shadow_Man:77, Noble:77, I Fucking Hate Erosion:77, #54: baliw:78, White_Rogue:78, CptAstrix93:78, Roguesm:78, zyanklee:78, Xyno76:78, #60: Steve Pick:79, Clemento007:79, TroyDoesStuff:79, Cinnamane:79, fpb876:79, RoseDGAF:79, #66: PowerSlave:80, N0B0DY:80, Pickled Ricky:80, Michael Scarn:80, BlackAnvil:80, uscan:80, hideaki1027:80, ZockiRR:80, ChimpyDimpy:80, CoolByte:80, Snowfiend:80, Gate:80, DJ Tinky Winky:80, spacy1:80, Schokokek:80, Angus:80, FatMacDaddy:80, #83: fknChaos:81, Discount:81, Gorgon:81, rozen:81, lokiss88:81, ultrarebel:81, bowlingman88:81, Ж | PiscisK:81, roddymackenzie:81, Illogical Laconic:81, VRcafeH2:81, #94: Dyriks:82, Vilba:82, GamesPlayChris:82, Pajama Sam:82, Xorax:82, ZircronSwift:82, AzureZel:82, Joey Shmeeler:82, CaptainSlaw:82, Ruthrise:82, JBonez:82, litecord:82, XxSGT PHOENIXxX:82, Koz:82, kopepan29:82, Lil_Faide:82, #110: COWonCRACK:83, purple nurple:83, Rylaerdon:83, Konte:83, VicoGeco:83, 𝐆𝐚𝐧𝐝$𝓴𝓸𝙜:83, Wile E. Coyote:83, MAlexi:83, #118: Taylor:84, Raekwon lechef:84, XORoseGold:84, Ivy_B13:84, cevantez:84, Rudi:84, kenergy:84, Uncle Jacky:84, alox:84, Eternal:84, reedsx20:84, Snowda:84, poo_in_the_loo:84, VRcafeH4:84, #132: Faithless:85, ensio:85, tommi:85, 1913:85, killjoy:85, BuMble:85, PvtHat:85, MrPirod:85, Selfa97:85, Bluicy:85, Deev:85, GreasyGreg613:85, Under Desk General:85, I.B Funky:85, de_klynde:85, WillyWonka:85, KidSosa of glo:85, claybornday847:85, Mugetsu_Kisaragi:85, Mr. Coin Man:85, Dremarus:85, Bigburns:85, #154: Melf:86, JJRYO:86, Lasso:86, GMDR:86, Yahaa:86, Salohacin:86, Tasty:86, Byoung2008:86, Ivory Ropes:86, Squeaker:86, Maxim XVII:86, HomelessBagel:86, HoJ0h_5n3nS:86, Kusogaki:86, Wewear:86, PyTri Fyed:86, Sytherr:86, Andrew:86, #172: Steve-O:87, Drazhar:87, Kine^:87, Title27:87, WarDingo =[Ga]=:87, The_Reaper_L17L6363:87, LilHowell:87, imafal:87, GentleFaun56321:87, jackjack078:87, aaron (english):87, #183: -<[DUDS]>- Curryworst:88, Kekemui:88, olson:88, .JezMM:88, Gorecommandré:88, Derp:88, Dive.Warl:88, DAXYLON WOLF:88, Olly434:88, LiO:88, Liveware Problem:88, Noctai:88, Waame:88, O Lord Why:88, TobyHak:88, Et3rnalPho3nix:88, FritzSchnitzel aka. 「Drush」:88, turusei:88
Total entries in this leaderboard: 3092