Leaderboard: Jade Temple - Classic

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Rank Name Res
#1 Snifsola 42
#3 Ai_Hoshino 52
#4 UnknownMaster21 54
#4 Ponce Pilon 54
#6 MdLA 56
#7 Maxtenix! 58
#8 nagini 60
#10 Sliverik 61
#10 Fu- 61
#12 hixaca7 64
#13 just1con 65
#14 Wujje 66
#15 Shiny 67
Rank Name Res
#15 guran 67
#15 S1zu 67
#18 yeats 68
#19 Just-Michael 69
#19 pukkac_ 69
#19 chill 69
#22 DKPK 70
#22 cedric 70
#24 Fa1r_ 71
#25 Seabhacsuil 72
#25 Fylin 72
#25 Pikami 72
#25 Nairobi 72
#25 Klogeist 72
#25 Gemedes 72
Rank Name Res
#25 ycaros 72
#25 momomouka 72
#25 kengoroex 72
#25 Aviss 72
#35 Infilyor 74
#35 B 74
#35 glicom。 74
#35 BrittleBeetle 74
#39 Lokier 75
#39 ruu576 75
#39 Zman 75
#39 Tokanaルーム 75
#39 Alone_alfa 75
#44 Sinister KanE 76
#44 G.O.T.Y. 2024 Kin.. 76
More results: #44: Andi Angel:76, sponcho:76, HasenMelker:76, GG GO NEXT:76, 4ANTEK:76, Joan-_-99:76, freddy:76, #53: Zocki ☺:77, [HeX]D4thech:77, Nozaj:77, endless:77, Denis Grosbillard:77, Jordano GDM:77, BINGOBONGO:77, ~Hex: fatherless*:77, Stolez:77, James:77, #63: Smapz Ⱄⰿⰰⱂⰸ:78, Wulkos:78, DingBatDave:78, Beef:78, Torax:78, Muloooooooooooooooooooooooooooot:78, Hinatoad:78, bidaom:78, GRhockey:78, BestGollum:78, jagg:78, tankuku43:78, Villydak:78, TOOSOQ3:78, utaro:78, SoKm:78, majesty:78, zhiye:78, #81: fuLLi:79, para:79, Laodurias:79, Nino:79, MiniMaligno:79, wolfmanJP1:79, Feyre:79, Maik:79, JanRT:79, CountOnZOly:79, Marmolada:79, Zcbros:79, Testo:79, ShunP:79, penastudios6:79, iori:79, SamwiseFLANGE:79, 羽生ゆずらない:79, Oscar Bear:79, #100: Ker Pouic-pouic:80, Hepnerd:80, Saruzio:80, Kajzzer:80, MechnoLowPing:80, Reichekunst:80, Niroht:80, Beso:80, takespeon:80, Doomfire:80, T.Lucario:80, xDarkZombie:80, brian:80, RagingRae:80, Fever:80, Maxiguigui:80, G2.Exile:80, Expert Potato:80, old_fan:80, なお:80, Pocholooo:80, 海軍本部大将 "黄猿"ボルサリーノ:80, beefybiscuit:80, Spyral.-:80, tamix777:80, さっさ~:80, Lunex:80, aaronhaufe:80, #128: Flame:81, westono:81, S1u77y:81, Knubz:81, Elleander:81, ILID:81, RAX:81, techkid86:81, Sheen:81, JohnnyBoy:81, NeoScuti:81, Ralts:81, phill1100:81, EHRIKA:81, PoneyUHC:81, Beastular:81, Cool Friesツ:81, Yuzufeng:81, Silplux:81, Mc166:81, ⌠LetSniPinG⌡:81, kuu:81, SuperKibble:81, Comet:81, Juako:81, ah hello:81, ADVINCULA:81, \アザラシ/:81, Kawasaki:81, lord_sarius:81, Anonimatronico:81, Dariusrex:81, ii_roen_dx:81, Gommler:81, dgarciameed:81, vinnystaffieri:81, Shadow:81, 海軍本部大将 "赤犬" サカズキ:81, #166: Lanttu42:82, Xtremmickou:82, Lowcust:82, ねぴあ:82, Vehelger:82, Shadix:82, Michael Knight:82, JBKeys:82, chokax:82, giga:82, :82, adamruzick:82, TheNewestName:82, Loucifer:82, H4$H1MUR0:82, Serenity:82, 異常者:82, Newblife:82, Plastard:82, Wildasen:82, noname:82, Buskey:82, Roth:82, Bluffeur:82, Rugger3000:82, FabiReturns:82, KOMIPLEX:82, Aratrox_:82, WildSpaghettio:82, ImSoomebodyy:82, Lippi:82, Burchi:82, もやふぇす:82, yastia:82, Chicken Little:82
Total entries in this leaderboard: 59428